Chats, Readings & Healing Sessions


Good Day!

To arrange a time for a Reading or Healing Session, please click the link below.

I am currently only scheduling for Mondays from 2:00-4:00pm PST.

I realize this greatly limits my availability - I do apologize.

I am not charging a set amount due to the short window of opportunity.

Instead, I have opted to include a Tip Jar or you can 'Buy Me a Coffee' for completing an Energy Exchange - which is always welcome & appreciated, but not necessary πŸ’œπŸ™πŸ’œ

Thank You for Your Continued Support & Understanding

I Look Forward to Connecting with You & Your Spirit Team Soon πŸ˜‡


Sending You Much Love, Angel Light & TONS of Gratitude,

Tracy Una Wagner - Versatile Inspirations


Energy Exchanges

*not necessary to schedule*


Have questions? Hit reply to this email and we'll help out!

Grand View Lane, Bellingham, WA 98229
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Hello & Welcome!

I'm Tracy Una Wagner with Versatile Inspirations, The LightWorkers & Earth Angels Academy & Study Hall, and Cryptid's Creations with my husband Michael!

Read more from Hello & Welcome!

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